Maharashtra’s Corona tally breaches 60,000-mark and rise of corona cases all over India- updates


Maharashtra corona tally breached 60000 mark and today 2682 new positive cases and 116 new deaths on Friday noticed.

Andra Pradesh has witnessed 1930 positive Covid-19 patients and 887 cases of recovery. 44 people have died.In West Bengal reached 1786 on Sunday. There have been 171 deaths and 372 recoveries in the state.

In Bihar, 591 people have tested positive for coronavirus, 5 people have died while 322 patients have recovered. Odisha has 294 Covid-19 positive patients, 63 have recovered while two people have died. Jharkhand has 156 Covid-19 cases, three patients have died and 78 have recovered. Uttarakhand has 67 coronavirus patients, 46 patients have recovered from the infection, one patient has died. Himachal Pradesh has 50 cases, 2 patients have died and 38 have recovered. Assam has reported 63 Covid-19 cases, two people have died while 34 people have recovered.

Ladakh has 42 patients, 17 people have recovered. Goa reported seven cases of Covid-19 disease, all patients have recovered. Puducherry has reported 9 cases, 6 have recovered. Meghalaya has reported 13 cases and one death, 10 patients have recovered. One patient has died.

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