Indonesia expresses its concerns on the recent activities in the South China Sea

Today’s statement of FM Indonesia on the recent situation in South China sea issue:Indonesia continues to follow closely recent developments.
Indonesia expresses its concerns on the recent activities in the South China Sea which may potentially escalate tensions at a time where global collective efforts is vital in fighting COVID-19.

- Indonesia underlines the importance of maintaining peace and stability in the South China Sea, including to ensure the freedom of navigation and over-flight and urge all Parties to respect international law, particularly the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982).
- while negotiation of CoC is being postponed due to-19, Indonesia calls all relevant parties to exercise self-restraint and to refrain from undertaking action that may erode mutual trust and potentially escalate tension in the region.

- Indonesia believes that conducive situation in the South China Sea can support the COC negotiation process. Therefore, we remain committed to ensuring the conclusion of COC that is effective, substantive and actionable, despite the current circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.